These guys were painted up to be the guards for the town of Virith; of course they will stand in for virtually any guard in any city the PCs encounter in their starting region.
I had an excruciating time painting this group however. I can really say why specifically. It was important for me to do a good job on
them because they will represent virtually any guard in the PC starting nation so
I might have tried a little harder and it took alittle longer which lead to
almost full blown touch ups on every paint color. This has happened before when I paint a PC
that will represent usually about a 3rd level PC (out of the woods
so to speak); so I try exceptionally hard as they will be with me for awhile
and have discovered that they tend to be the hardest to “get right” to stay consistent
with an original vision. This is
absolutely counter-productive. This fixation
has lead to more repaints as well. On the flip side, there have been times when I have been so flexible in my paint schemes and loose with my
techniques that unimportant miniatures have become PC’s due to the great work
on them.
I guess I need to remind myself of this prior to painting “important”
guys rather than realize this at the end of a project. Realistically, this probably will not happen
Ral Partha
Town Guard 01-021
More Core Monsters to fall to PC blade and spell:
LL Boxed Set: Stirges
Ral Partha: Large Treasure Chest DF-671
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